Ike Okorafor: The Struggle for Political Integrity: My Resignation from APGA

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The Struggle for Political Integrity: My Resignation from APGA

By Ike Okorafor 

In the pursuit of serving my community through political engagement, I joined the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) with a vision to contribute positively to my constituency in Arochukwu. However, my journey was fraught with challenges that tested my resolve and ultimately led to my resignation.

Upon my return from the United States, my aspirations were met with a disheartening suggestion to defer my political ambitions for a decade, ostensibly to amass wealth sufficient for electioneering. This initial setback was a harbinger of the systemic issues I would face within the party.

My efforts to secure a nomination were sabotaged at every turn. Party executives were instructed to obstruct my candidacy, and the screening committee was allegedly bribed to ensure my disqualification. These actions were not only unethical but also a stark contradiction to the democratic principles that should underpin any political party.

The struggle escalated to the judiciary, where the influence of money seemed to overshadow justice. Despite these attempts to undermine my candidacy, I emerged victorious in both the party and the court. This victory, however, was not without cost. The political landscape within APGA in Arochukwu had become the dominion of a single individual, whose endorsement was a prerequisite for candidacy. Without it, one was deemed an adversary, forced to either capitulate or engage in a relentless battle.

As I reflect on these experiences and look ahead to the 2027 elections, I see the same patterns emerging. The very elders who should foster unity and mentor the next generation of leaders are the ones fueling discord. This realization led me to a crossroads: continue fighting an internal war that saps time and resources, or step away to find a more constructive path to serve my people.

I chose the latter. My resignation from APGA is a statement against the futility of power struggles that serve no one but those who wish to wield power for its own sake. It is a declaration that my commitment to public service is unwavering, but the means to that end must be honorable.

In closing, my experience is a testament to the resilience required to navigate the turbulent waters of politics. It is a cautionary tale for those who seek to enter this arena, and a call to action for reform within political parties to ensure that integrity, transparency, and the will of the people are paramount.

This essay encapsulates my real-life experience and the reasons behind my resignation from APGA. It is a narrative I wish to share, so others may understand the complexities of political participation and the importance of standing firm in one’s values.

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