One of the main focus of Kalu Ijomah Ukeh in his unrelenting push for a better, more prosperous and productive Abia State with a conviction that true freedom can only come when we try to do things differently as you cannot continue to do the same thing over and over and a expect different result as an outcome. For Abia State to have a different result, we must insist on different methods, we must insist on the paradigm shift from the known to new normal where results will be the bedrock of our collective efforts and better living a product of our determined march to true Uhuru (freedom) from incessant rape of our patrimony by our supposed leaders and social contractors.
A True Freedom from mental slavery, intellectual incapacitation and uncontrolled brain drain is a long leap away from our present state of institutionalized backwardness in Abia State where mediocrity is celebrated and extolled above meritocracy.
We must, therefore, insist on practical solutions to our known problems, because everything that is great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labour in freedom, “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”
In my study of practical methods and approaches to salvaging Abia State, I have learned that the first antidote for true freedom (Uhuru) is that we must balance between short-term pain and long-term gain because we have a State to transform, and we must make bold decisions to achieve our vision.
I am that antidote for a true Uhuru for Abia State.
I do not champion the cause of youth opportunity and hope as a favour, but rather as the necessary, undeniable, embrace of our collective future where the youths must be positively engaged, gainfully employed and assured of a future full of opportunities to excel in life.
It is my humble belief that when this is achieved, social vices and rising cases of ritualism, cultism, Internet fraud and criminality among Abia youths will be drastically reduced and the echo of freedom and new Abia will reverberate to the joy of our newfound progress and prosperity.
I am the antidote for a true Uhuru.
We may face many defeats in life as a people, but we will never let ourselves be defeated. –
The greatest glory in living lies not in falling, but in rising every time we fall. –
We will never let the fear of striking out keep us from playing the game. –
I am the antidote for a true Uhuru for Abia State, dawn for total emancipation for our people.
Abia State must support the candidacy of Mr Kalu Ijomah Ukeh for a new any of our dreams where freedom is a natural gift for Excellence and progress.
…Ijeoma Abia Foundation.