Ohafia’s Udumeze Joins His Ancestors, By Chief Umeh Kalu, SAN

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By Chief Umeh Kalu, SAN


For some months past, it has been consultations and meetings within various segments, groups, associations, traditional institutions and even the clergy in Ohafia on the modalities that will constitute or translate to a befitting rites of passage for the Udumeze of Ohafia.

Udumeze is the traditional title of the paramount ruler of Ohafia clan in Abia State, south east of Nigeria. The Udumeze sits and presides in – council over 26 independent communities consisting of the Ohafia clan.

The Ohafia clan is arguably one of the largest homogenous clans in Abia State in terms of size and population. The Ohafia people are acclaimed warriors and known to have embraced western education earlier than most communities in Nigeria.
The subject of this write up is Professor Emmanuel Ume Lekwa Imaga. Professor Imaga is not only the Eze Ohamoha of Ohafia Kingdom but equally the Ebiri of Elu Ohafia and has been on the throne of his fore fathers as Udumeze for 14 years (2010 – 2024).

Come the 5th day of July, 2024 the earthly remains of Udumeze will depart the Abia State capital, Umuahia, on his last journey to his land of ancestry – Ohafia. This heroic and historic movement promises to be a carnival of some sort with notable Ohafia traditional dances accompanying his remains in celebration of his life and times.

As it is customary in the movement of the remains of every great Ohafia son, the remains of the Udumeze will follow the ancestral migratory route of the founders of Ohafia from Ibeku to Bende to Abam and finally to Achichi Ohafia.

Professor Emmanuel Ume Lekwa Imaga, was born into the Umualekwa royal lineage of Lekwa Otike dynasty on September 20th, 1942, as the last child of Ezie Nna Lekwa Imaga of the Okoch – Uyom maternal family and Ije Lekwa Imaga (nee Igwe) of the Umu Olugu maternal family (Ikwu).

Prof. was fortunate to have acquired early western education. On completion of his elementary education, he obtained admission to Coronata Secondary School, Ohafia as one of the foundation students. He thereafter attended the Federal College of Agriculture, Umudike where he obtained a diploma in Agriculture.

As a result of his academic prowess he received a grant from the World Council of Churches in 1977 and the Federal Government Bursary Award from 1976 – 1979. These Bursary Award enabled him to obtain a Bachelor of Arts in Economics with honours from Delhi University in India.

He later on obtained a Masters Degree in business Administration specializing in Production Management in 1979, and, a further Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resources Management in 1985.

Prof. was an Agricultural Extension Officer and later took up a lecturing job in 1981 at the College of Technology, Owerri. Prof. internationalized his service to humanity when he took up service with the United Nations Development Programme in the South Pacific as a Macro Economist and Management Analyst. This assignment took him to Australia, New Zealand and other countries.

On his return to Nigeria in 1989, he joined the University of Nigeria, Nsukka at the Enugu Campus and with his catalogue of publications, books, artices and journals rose to the rank of professor in 1990. As a professor, he supervised and produced several Ph.Ds, M.Scs, MBAs and other post graduate diplomas.

Prof was equally involved in the distance learning programme of the University of Nigeria and was at various times the Head, Department of Management Studies, the Dean, Faculty of Business Administration and the Director of the Institute of Development Studies.

In 1992/93, during the transition to civil rule, he was appointed by the Federal Government as the Abia State Chairman for the NRC political party.
Professor Imaga on one of his visits to Nigeria in 1977, fell in love with the delectable Ola Ume Imaga (nee Udo Kalu) and they got married in the same year. The union is blessed with three children.

In 2002, Professor Imaga attained the elder statesman status in the Ohafia community, and, celebrated his Ota-Omu ceremony with his age grade, Ife Mba. He had great love for Ohafia and his people, and, was in 2010 corronated as Ezie Ogo, The Ebiri of Elu, the ancestral capital of the Ohafia people.

As Ezie Ogo of Elu he automatically became the paramount ruler over the 26 villages comprising Ohafia. Hence, his position as the Ezie Ohamoha, the Udumeze of Ohafia Ancient Kingdom.

His reign was centered on giving the Ohafia people unity of purpose, enhancing infrastructural development and maintaining peace amongst the 26 villages of Ohafia and with Ohafia’s neighbours. His academic and professional accomplishments brought so much reverence and recognition to the Ohafia Udumeze stool.

The Udumeze of Ohafia, the Ebiri of Elu, His Royal Paramountcy, Professor Emmanuel Ume Lekwa Imaga joined his ancestors on the 17th day of January, 2024. His death is a great loss to the Ohafia people and indeed, Abia State as a whole.

Prof’s life was indeed a life of service and total commitment to the ideals for which the Ohafia people are known. He raised the bar of traditional rulership in not only Ohafia but in Abia State and Nigeria, having attained the utmost height in the academia and equally being a traditional ruler.
It is our prayer that Ohafia will in the years to come be blessed with more rulers like Prof, and, may his likes never be found wanting in our domain.

Farewell thee well, great King.



For and on behalf of the Committee for the Burial of the Udumeze of Ohafia

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