Integrity Award: Ned Nwoko Wins Senator Of The Year

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Nigerian Association of Christian Journalists (NACJ) has declared Senator Ned Nwoko as the winner of the prestigious, “INTEGRITY SENATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD ” The award is part of the activities marking the Annual Media Conference on INTEGRITY AND PATRIOTISM organized by the Association. According to the Press Statement signed by the National President of the Association, Dr Charles Okhai, Senator Nwoko emerged winner of the highly coveted Award after a meticulous scrutiny exercise of the initial six Senators nominated for the Award. Dr Charles further stated that the Association is proud to identify with Senator Ned Nwoko because of his sterling qualities as a Leader.

An excerpt of the Press Statement reads, “Prince Ned Nwoko’s selection as the winner of the pricey award was predicated on his impressive track record of Integrity, Patriotism, Diligence, Selfless Service to Humanity, Philanthropic gestures, and his Creative Leadership Capacity.”

The Annual Media Conference tagged, LEADERS AND NATION BUILDING, is designed to sensitize leaders with the spirit of Integrity and Patriotism. According to the Association’s National President Dr Charles in his Press Statement, “Integrity and Patriotism”, are the core values of the Association because they are the twin leadership attributes for effective nation building. He further contended that no nation can ever attain meaningful developments without Integrity and Patriotism on the part of the leadership, because according to him the developmental progress of any nation is intrinsically linked or connected to the level of Integrity and Patriotism of the leaders.

Prince Chinedu, popularly known as Ned Nwoko is a Nigerian Lawyer, philanthropist, and Politician. He was a member of the House of Representatives between 1999 and 2003, representing Antiocha Oshimili Federal Constituency, Delta State.

In January 2020, he undertook a symbolic expedition to Antarctica to flag off a Malaria Eradication Project to express his concern for the average Nigerian. Prince NED NWOKO is a political gladiator from Delta State, and he is currently a Senator at the 10th National Assembly. Since he became a Senator he has shown high level sensitivity to needs of the common Nigerian especially his people in Delta State. The formal presentation of the Award is scheduled to be held in Federal Capital City, Abuja.

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