Unico Uduka: Reconstitute the Ohafia Improvement Union National Executive Now

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Reconstitute the Ohafia Improvement Union National Executive Now

In this chaotic and seemingly hopeless situation, we have unfortunately neglected the Ohafia Improvement Union (National), allowing it to become a tool in the hands of a few individuals who have capitalized on the disengagement of other Nde Ohafia.“

By Unico Uduka

There is no doubt that as Nigerians, we have been dealing with so many pressing issues that we have forgotten that there are a few housekeeping matters we need to address in Ohafia. It is understandable, given the circumstances. Over the past six years, Nigerians have endured a governance so hellish that it has drained the nation’s spirit. We have witnessed people lose their capacity to hope, dream, and even survive. The daily struggle for basic necessities has become the norm, overshadowing the community-focused needs that also demand our attention. In Ohafia, like many other parts of Nigeria, people have become desensitized to the persistent challenges that plague our community. The relentless pressures of insecurity, economic instability, vandalism, and systemic corruption have eroded the trust and unity that once bound us. Families are torn apart by violence and displacement, while the youth grapple with unemployment and lack of opportunities. Our elders, who should be enjoying their golden years, are instead consumed by anxiety over their dwindling resources and the uncertain future of their forebears.

In this chaotic and seemingly hopeless situation, we have unfortunately neglected the Ohafia Improvement Union (National), allowing it to become a tool in the hands of a few individuals who have capitalized on the disengagement of other Nde Ohafia. These individuals have taken advantage of the general apathy to manipulate the organisation unconstitutionally. Since the passing of the last elected President of OIU, Dr. Benard Obu Orji, in 2018, there has not been a national election for the OIU. Yet, some people continuously and erroneously present comments, positions, and opinions on behalf of the OIU while disregarding developmental roles that the OIU has been noted for. This is not only illegal but a blatant disregard for the principles of democratic governance and community representation. This cannot be allowed to continue.

The OIU was established to be a beacon of progress, unity, and representation for our community. Its mission is to channel our collective efforts towards the development and improvement of Ohafia, ensuring that our voices are heard and our needs addressed. However, the current state of affairs undermines this noble mission. For example, for more than four years, the Ohafia community has been without power supply. While this can largely be attributed to the Utility Company’s operational shortcomings, during this period, many power infrastructure were vandalized and stolen in Ohafia. This surely would not have happened if there had been a strong OIU to advocate for Ohafia, collaborate with local security establishments to secure our infrastructure, just as Ohafia is used to. Now, as efforts to restore power in Ohafia gain momentum, would it not be best to ensure a properly constituted OIU that enjoys acceptance and legitimacy to provide leadership?
We earnestly call upon the respected elders of Ohafia to facilitate this process, organizing a new election to breathe new life into the OIU and restore confidence in our union. By doing so, we can ensure that the OIU remains a vibrant force for progress and unity, faithfully serving the interests of all Nde Ohafia. Let’s seize this moment to uphold the democratic principles that the OIU was founded upon and guide our community towards a brighter, more inclusive future.

It is time to rejuvenate the OIU, restoring its rightful place as a pillar of our community. Every forward thinking OnyeOhafia should transparency, accountability, and fairness in its operations. This entails organising and holding a national election to ensure that the leadership of the OIU truly represents us. Consequently, the current group masquerading as the ‘executive’ should honourable step down, ceasing their unauthorised activities immediately. Any call to action by this group should be viewed and treated as illegal and lacking in foundation. Our esteemed Ohafia elders are earnestly called upon to immediately intervene and facilitate a new election to rejuvenate the OIU, thereby reinstating confidence in the union. By doing so, the OIU will remain a beacon of progress and unity, faithfully serving the interests of Ohafia community.

Ohafia Kanni!
Unico Uduka

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