PHOTOS: Bulgarian Ambassador visits Ohafia council area for Agric investment

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Yesterday, the Special Adviser on Trade, Commerce, and Industry, Chief Nwaka Inem ‘Enyi’Oha Abiriba’, accompanied by the Special Adviser on Agriculture, Dr. Cliff Agbaeze, and other government officials, led a delegation headed by none other than His Excellency, the Bulgarian Ambassador to Nigeria, Yanko V. Yordanov on an agricultural investment visit to Ohafia LGA.

The Bulgarian Ambassador brought with him a team of Bulgarian agricultural experts and investors to Ohafia Local Government, and they were received by the Mayor of Ohafia Local Government Area, Chief Dr. David Ogba Onuoha Bourdex MFR, OON, ‘Ugo’Ena Abiriba’ & the Mayor of Ohafia LGA, and his Deputy, Hon. Mkpa Oju Uka and their Team.

The purpose of the visit included bilateral discussions on technical collaboration, which involved soil analysis by the Bulgarian team of experts. The goal was to determine suitable land sites and crops for extensive mechanized farming, catering to both local consumption and international exports. To achieve this, a minimum of ten thousand hectares of arable land would be required at each identified and visited location. The Bulgarian team also aim to transfer knowledge to the local populace by ensuring essential skills acquisition that will drive and sustain the upcoming agricultural explosion.

The visit encompassed meetings with the Traditional Rulers in Ohafia LGA, comprising Abiriba, Ohafia, and Nkporo. The delegation also embarked on a trek into the bush and farmlands, covering more than fifteen kilometers to collect soil samples as requested by the visiting Bulgarian team.

Despite the exhausting and physically challenging day, both the Mayor and the Bulgarian Ambassador demonstrated not only their physical prowess but also their determination to execute the job to perfection. Even when others in the team complained of fatigue, these two leaders pressed on, leading from the front, and providing direction where needed. This clearly exhibites the exemplary and quality leadership as espoused by the Dr Alex Otti led administration in Abia State.

Other highlights of the visit included the investiture of Chieftaincy title to the visiting Bulgarian Ambassador both at Ohafia and Nkporo communities by their traditional rulers, the gifting of Abiriba-made footwears by ‘Shoe Planet’ owned by one of Abia’s pioneer footwear entrepreneur Chief Andrew Anya Etim, and finally the vigorous and determined involvement of Abiriba First Son – Chief Kelvin Jombo ‘Igurube Abiriba’ to whom the Mayor is most grateful for his assistance in making the visit very entertaining and successful.

See photos below:

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