How the Okohia Road I facilitated in Ihiala LGA provided an alternative for me when I met a blocked portion of the Onitsha/Owerri Expressway, By Engr. Chris Azubogu


By Engr. Chris Azubogu

Last week, I was coming back from Owerri to Anambra State. On approaching the Ihiala Checkpoint, we noticed that the road was blocked.

I remembered the road I facilitated around there at Okohia Ihiala that can help us bypass the blocked portion of Onitsha/Owerri Expressway.

I asked my driver to make a turn. We located the Okohia road which connects the expressway. As we turned, we noticed that many other cars were following us.

Immediately we drove into the rural access road, we noticed that the Village Youths mounted roadblocks, probably to reduce heavy traffic from using the road or for collecting money from motorists due to the momentary blockage of the Expressway.

I explained to them that I facilitated the road to help energize the rural economy and also as an alternative route in a situation like this. The good thing was that they started shouting and hailing. It was celebration of ‘Azubogu thank You!’ for this road as they removed the roadblocks they mounted. We passed, along with the other cars that were following us.

The access road helped us to bypass the blocked Expressway.

If elected as the Governor of Anambra State, we will strive to rebuild and expand our infrastructure to grow our economy. We are going to pursue projects and policies that will form the foundation for our future economic growth projections.

Come, let’s build a system that can solve the problems in Anambra State. This is the clarion call!

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