Fuel price hike: NLC out to deceive Nigerians, says Timi Frank

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Former Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Comrade Timi Frank, has called on Nigerians not to be deceived by the empty threats being made by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) over the recent additional increase in fuel price.

Frank who was reacting to the accelerated increases in the price of fuel within few months by the Federal Government, said it was sad that the NLC that is supposed to fight for the welfare of workers and by extension the masses, has betrayed Nigerians.

He said rather than champion the cause of the ordinary Nigerian, the NLC has sold out and thus become a tool of deception and oppression in the hands of the government.

He described the NLC’s statement rejecting the present fuel price increase as a “Nollywood script” as “Nigerians know that they have connived and agreed to the increase before it was announced by the Federal Government.

He called on Nigerians to take their destiny in their hands by resisting the anti-people, anti-democratic and wicked policies and programmes of the Major General Muhammadu Buhari’s regime.

He challenged the NLC to make public its agreement with the Federal Government following the last sharp increases in electricity tariffs and the pump price of petrol in September.

He said: “It is clear that the present leadership of the NLC and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) have traded the welfare of workers for their personal enrichment.

“The NLC has since abandoned the struggle after prolonged winning and dinning with King Nebuchadnezzar. It has lost its mettle as the guardian and protector of workers’ interests.

“Their voices are silent because their throats are filled with inducements. They now mewing like cats instead of roaring like lions. They have lost their Aluta venom and sting.

“The NLC claimed to have entered into an agreement with the FG when the latter surreptitiously jacked up the price of fuel and electricity tariffs.

“Today, those prices did not only stand, the Federal Government has gone ahead to again effect a new increase in the price of petrol at the time prices of crude oil have plummeted at the international market.

“Let the NLC leave Nigerians alone. Nigerians can fight for themselves and they will fight to defeat this evil regime in the next election.”

He however warned the Federal Government not to take the patience and long suffering of Nigerians for granted.

He also urged Buhari and his hirelings now holding Nigerians hostage not to forget the fate that befell past African despots who impoverished and inflicted pains on their people, history will judge all oppressors harshly, negatively and poorly just like it has done to Charles Taylor, Mobutu Sese Seko, Omar al-Bashir, Laurent Gbagbo, etc.

“A day is coming when Nigerians will fight and they will fight hard to reclaim their country from this evil and corrupt cabal now illegally occupying public offices and oppressing the people,” he declared.

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